Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Clara Barton

I think Clara Barton is pretty much the coolest woman who ever lived.   I am so glad I got to read about her.  Here are my favorite facts about Clara Barton.

 She was homeschooled by her brothers and sisters.

She treated injured pets and cared for her brother when he suffered from a fall from a barn. 

 She worked in a patent office like my dad but they wanted to pay her less for being a woman.  She demanded equal wage.

When the Civil War started, she wanted to help the soldiers, so she resigned her job at the Patent Office.

She got permission from the War Department to go to the front lines of the battlefield to care for the soldiers 

Next she joined the relief * effort in the war between France and Prussia. In Europe they had an organization called the International Red Cross.  Later she formed the Red Cross in America.

She was called the Angel of the Battlefield.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Friends are Fun Patch

I just earned the friends are fun patch .   I am so excited.   I got to make a bracelet. 

I made stationary and a curly message .  

I made a message in code.

I am going to mail it all to my friend Pablo who lives in Seattle Washington.  I think he will like it because he hasn't seen me in a long time and he won't be expecting a secret code.

Monday, January 10, 2011


          I just joined girl scouts.   Saturday I will start selling cookies.   I got to taste cookies blind-folded to know if I could taste the difference.  We had a cookie kick-off party.  It was fun.