Friday, September 28, 2012

This is Fall

I wrote this poem today about Fall.  I used the same format as a poem called That Was Summer, but since it's not Summer, I did Fall.

This Is Fall

This is Fall.
The air is sweet,
the sun is shining radiantly
the leaves have changed from green to red.

This is Fall.
The ground is yellow and our eyes are too as we gaze at the mountains.
Just for you, this is Fall.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Dog: a paper for Language Arts

Have you ever gotten a pet?   I was 6 years old and it was my brothers birthday.   We were going to the store when I spotted a crate of dogs! I was so happy because  my brother wanted a puppy for his birthday. Mom asked dad if we could get one.   WE GOT ONE! 

 We read books about a panda and we named our dog Still-Water after the panda.   Next we got it toys and a crate to sleep in.   We played with it all the time when we left the room she would chase us out so I started to throw a ball and  she would chase it away from us
We still have her and we got another dog and  they live in a  extended run and are super nice.   We all love them like lots lots lots.   When I ride my bike I watch them run all the way to the end of the cage .   It reminds me of when  I threw them the ball.